For specific prices please look at our charts located on the glass doors of our display cases or ask a staff member. To reduce waste we do not give receipts unless requested, but you can always email or text a digital version of the receipt to yourself when paying at our Square Register.
Please understand that due to inflation and supply chain issues we have and will increase prices as needed to keep up with rising costs. If something costs more than it did a few months ago, it is because one or more ingredients for that bread have also increased.
Below are some of our most popular items, but we have more to choose from in store! More images of our bread (and cakes) are available on our page on Google Maps and Yelp.
bread orders FAQS
We use many common allergens in our bakery so we cannot guarantee that our bread or cakes are completely free of any allergens. If you have a severe allergy we recommend not buying from our store. We do not sell wheat, vegan, gluten free or specialty breads.
Requests can be made for mini bolillos or mini conchas, please call or come to the bakery for more details. Please order in advance, 3 days minimum.
Deposits are required on all bread orders.
Bread orders can be made over the phone, and be paid for with a debit or credit card.
For inquiries on other sweet bread that is not made on a frequent basis, the head baker will need to be asked. He is not available in the afternoons, Sundays or Mondays.
For same-day bread orders of sweet bread or bolillos, please order a few hours in advance to allow for us to prepare your order. Anything not currently available will be made known to the customer.
Boxes are sold separately. Unless requested, bread will be placed in paper bags. You are welcome to bring your own box, tupperware or other container for us to place the bread in.
Bread will not be “set aside” for a customer to come in and pay later. Unless ordered and paid in advance, all bread is available on a first come, first serve basis.
Please be mindful that all of our staff primarily speaks Spanish. An English speaking staff member is not always available.
Refund Policy
For bread that is severely damaged in some way because of our doing while checking out, you will be given a replacement of whatever you had OR another item of the same price. Money-back refunds are more likely if there was an accidental overcharge or a miscommunication on an item that was being purchased at the time of checkout. We usually don’t give refunds for bread because you’re buying it as-is. We try our best to carefully place bread in the bags so that it arrives safely to your home but broken or smashed items also depend on your level of care after buying. Bread is not made to last several weeks so mold after several days may happen. If you asked for an item at check out (especially during early morning hours) and the cashier forgot, please call or come in as soon as possible and do not wait several days. We will accomodate you as we see fit. If you wait several weeks to let us know about a missing item, we will not replace it. We cannot verify the situation after so much time has passed.
While getting bread, if you drop any piece of bread, please pick it up and throw it in our trash cans located near our coffee machines. Do not kick it under our displays. Do not place the bread randomly on tables, countertops, or carts. Always place fallen items in the trash.
We want to keep our floors as debris-free as possible. You may be charged for that fallen item(s). If you are getting several pieces of bread it is recommended that you use as many trays as you need, versus creating a mountain of bread using one tray; that increases the risk of an item accidentally falling. We can provide a cart for you to place several trays or let us know beforehand that you will be buying a lot of bread. We will place the bread in a box if requested.
Once you have chosen the bread you want YOU CAN NOT REPLACE OR EXCHANGE IT. Please only choose the bread you actually want to buy. Please be aware of how much money you have before buying. It does not matter that you have not touched the bread with your bare hands, bread can be damaged, fillings or toppings can get onto another piece or it may be hard to tell what kind of filling a bread has etc. These things reduce the chance of it being bought by someone else. We do not want to misplace bread where they don’t belong. We have signs stating this rule. Employees are simply following rules. If you do not agree please do not shop with us. There is not reason to become upset or disrespect our staff for simply following rules. We will continue to enforce this rule.